Hoje tive que acordar um bocadinho mais cedo do que o normal pois, tivemos que ir visitar uma empresa que fabrica equipamento com fins medicinais, mas voltando um bocado atrás, eu levantei me e fui tomar o pequeno almoço como habitual.
No autocarro:
Fomos visitar a fábrica que se chama MOOG, para irmos até lá tivemos que apanhar 2 autocarros, quando lá chegámos estava lá o Thomas à nossa espera para nos levar à empresa.

Na empresa eles tinham vários departamentos, tinham um que era onde pensavam como iriam ser feitas as máquinas, outro onde elas eram programadas e outro que tratava dos testes e da papelada, depois também vimos onde eram construídos os equipamentos e mais uma área onde eles faziam a reparação.
Como eles criam as maquinas em solid works:

Onde são construídas:

Eram perto das 13:10 quando chegamos á empresa, quando entrámos reparámos que eles não estavam a nossa espera, pois não sabiam se conseguíamos chegar a tempo, mas mesmo assim deram-nos uma tarefa engraçada que consistia em criar um robô que dançasse.
Quando estávamos a criar o robô:

O Paulo e o Pedro:

Day 6:
Today I had to wake up a little earlier than
usual because we had to go visit a company that manufactures equipment for
medical purposes, but back a bit ago, I got up and went to breakfast as usual.
We visited the factory called MOOG, to go up there we had to take 2 buses when we got there, we had Thomas expecting us to take us to the company.
We visited the factory called MOOG, to go up there we had to take 2 buses when we got there, we had Thomas expecting us to take us to the company.
The company had several departments had
one where it was thought how machines would be made, the other where they were
programmed and another is where the
tests were made and filled out the paperwork, then we also saw where they built the equipment and another area where they did the repair.
When we ended our visit, we returned to catch
the same bus, we decided between us to go to eat on Mac, then we
had to go through the hostel but it was fast, some of us wanted to leave some
clothes they had with them, because in the morning was cold.
Close to 13:10 we went to the the
company, as we entered we noticed that they were not expecting us, they did not
know if we could get there in time, but still gave us a funny task, it was to create
a robot that could dance.
When we left the company went to the hostel
because we were tired from the day we stay here until the 20pm, then we went to
eat a pizza.
6 Diena: Šiandien turėjau pabusti šiek tiek anksčiau nei įprasta,
nes mes turėjome eiti aplankyti kompanija, kuri gamina įrangą medicinos
tikslais, tačiau vėl šiek tiek atgal, aš atsikėlė ir nuėjo pusryčiauti kaip
Aplankėme gamykla vadinamas MOOG, eiti ten mes turėjome imtis 2 autobusus kai mes turime ten buvo Tomas laukia mums imtis mums bendrovei.
Bendrovė jie turėjo keletą padalinių buvo vienas, kur buvo manoma, kad
mašinos galėtų būti padaryta kito, kai jie buvo užprogramuotas ir dar kartą,
kad bandymai ir popierizmo, tada mes taip pat pamatė, kur jie buvo pastatyti
įrenginiai ir daugiau sritį, kurioje jie buvo remontas.
Kai laivas jį ten, mes vėl imtis tos pačios autobusu
kai atvykome mes manome, kad tarp mūsų ir nuėjo valgyti mac, tada mes turėjome
eiti per bendrabutyje, bet tai buvo greitai, kai norėjo palikti kai drabužius
jie turėjo su jais, nes ryte buvo šalta.
buvo beveik 13:10, kai mes gavome bendrovei, kaip mes įvesti mes pastebėjome, kad jie nesitiki mums, jie nežinojo, jei mes galime gauti laiko, bet vis dar davė mums juokinga užduotis buvo sukurti robotą šokti.
buvo beveik 13:10, kai mes gavome bendrovei, kaip mes įvesti mes pastebėjome, kad jie nesitiki mums, jie nežinojo, jei mes galime gauti laiko, bet vis dar davė mums juokinga užduotis buvo sukurti robotą šokti.
Kai mes palikome kompanija nuvyko į nakvynės namus, nes mes buvome pavargę nuo tos dienos mes buvome čia iki 20h, kai mes valgyti picos.
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